In the Natural Care Center, you can benefit from services in acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, western herbal medicine, massage therapy, nutrition, and yoga therapy. Our student interns and clinicians provide optimal healing possibilities through various modalities.
To request an appointment for team care with graduate student interns call 443-906-5794 or email .
Acupuncture has been found to be an effective treatment for the maintenance and the promotion of a good health report: staying well longer and recovering from illness more quickly.
Herbalists focus on supporting and maintaining health rather than fighting disease by supporting the body as it finds its healing path.
Therapeutic or medical massage employs a variety of modalities in order to address underlying conditions, injuries, pain, or stress.
Naturopathic medicine is a general practice discipline that emphasizes prevention, wellness, and optimal health, engaging the wisdom of nature to support the body’s inherent healing ability.
Integrative nutritionists use science-based diet and nutrition therapies to support your personal health and well-being.
Yoga therapists use the tools and practices of yoga to empower clients toward improved health and well-being through the use of postures, breathing practices, meditation, and lifestyle.